


Product of the Month of June: GRANDER® Energy Rods

For swimming pools, lakes, ponds, standing waters, wells, ... The GRANDER® Energy Rod Single and the GRANDER® Energy Rod Double are ideal for the use in (swimming) pools, lakes, ponds, standing waters, and the like, improving the quality of the water in all of these water bodies in a sustainable manner.

We Care about Your Health

To all GRANDER® customers and everyone interested in GRANDER®,We are taking the current development of the coronavirus pandemic very seriously, and our customers’ and employees’ health is very important to us. Compliance with all legal stipulations, which vary widely from country to country, is our number one priority

Chicken Soup Recipe

Chicken soup, a tried and tested home remedy to ease a runny nose, coughing, and a sore throat, is celebrating a revival.

A Good Life Starts with Excellent Water

Today it is known around the globe that GRANDER® improves the quality of all aspects of people’s daily lives: revitalized water is not only delicious but also boosts your spirits and vitality. GRANDER® is so gentle on your skin that taking a shower or bath feels like a trip to a wellness spa, and tap water acquires a fine taste, turning it into everyone’s favorite drink.

International World Water Day on 22 March 2020

In 1993, the UN established the international World Water Day to be held annually on 22 March. World Water Day was created as an opportunity to remind people how important it is to use water in a sustainable way. GRANDER® has organized several events and activities for World Water Day to raise awareness of this precious resource.

Revitalized Apple-Lemon-Cinnamon Water

The weeks around Christmas are the perfect season to devote some time to the beautiful things in life: many people decide to pamper mind and body, relax, and slow down. Revitalized apple-lemon-cinnamon water can contribute greatly to feeling both refreshed and relaxed. Just give it a try!
  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Water has an intelligence."


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