Water Research

Water Research

The more intensively we deal with the issue of water, the more puzzling it works ...

As a brief introduction into the science of water one must realize that up to present in the traditional science there has not been any evidence of various states of "liquid" water, therefore the following discovery can be considered sensational.

Water comes in various states.

For some time now Dr. Elmar Fuchs has attracted great attention within the world of physics with his publication about the fascinating water phenomenon, namely the floating water bridge.

The water bridge is a phenomenon that was discovered by Lord Armstrong in 1893 and has been forgotten until recently. In this demonstration two glasses with distilled water are placed under tension, which forms a floating bridge between the two glasses.

Dr. Elmar Fuchs changed from the TU Graz to the Netherlands, where he is now Scientific Project Manager and
Researcher at Wetsus - Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology. Using the most modern technology and perfect, optical measuring instruments he is able to continue his research on the phenomenon of the water bridge.

With success as we can see

Through high-speed cameras and femto second lasers it was established that water forms further structures apart from the already known "loose" and "firm" connections (appropriate for liquid water and ice). With this one has entered "No Man's Land" between "loose" and "firm", and has expanded the classic knowledge regarding water.

Dynamic states in water

Water in a liquid state does not form firm structures - actually connections in the water network change incredibly fast - within femto seconds (10 high minus 15 seconds). The research at Wetsus has shown that this dynamic changes significantly if a strong electric field is placed near water. This is also highly relevant for biology since comparable and even stronger fields appear in living cells.

In fact, a further study by Wetsus in co-operation with NASA has demonstrated that bacteria, which are transported via the water bridge, show a more active behaviour than the control group or the ones that did not go through the bridge.

What this actually means cannot be truly estimated at this time, but it may be the beginning of a new (dynamic) water model.

Johann Grander - ahead of his time

The fact that water has the ability to take on various states corresponds to the ideas and concept of Johann Grander, who discovered more than 30 years ago that water can be altered through the treatment with his natural magnet motors into having a very high, inner order (structure). This very concept of water's behaviour discovered by Johann Grander is embedded in the idea: through the improvement of the water state a stable system can be created, one that has a stronger self-cleansing power and therefore a higher water quality as a result.

The need for a new water model has become important

For many years the need for a "new" water model has become more and more important due to the numerous anomalies of water. The sensational discovery by Wetsus emphasizes this scientific demand. When and if a new, generally valid water model will be established, is unknown. However, we know that there is and will always be knowledge, that challenge all present-day physical laws and that the water research has not reached its peak at all.

Technical University in Graz re-discovers water bridge

Philipp Ball, long-time editor of "Science", a reputable scientific magazine explained in 2008, "It's embarrassing to admit it, but the stuff that covers two-thirds of our planet is still a mystery.  Worse, the more we look, the more the problems accumulate:  new techniques probing deeper into the molecular architecture of liquid water are throwing up more puzzles."

At the pulse of research

GRANDER® is a member of the group "Applied Water Physics" at the Dutch Water Research Organisation WETSUS, which is led by Dr. Elmar Fuchs, and is therefore, up to date in water research developments, that are seeing a definite upturn after just ticking along for decades.
  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Nature is our best teacher."


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